
Is Your VDI Secure?


CVE-2023-3519 CVE-2022-27513 and CVE-2023-3466

CVE-2023-3519 CVE-2022-27513 and CVE-2023-3466 This vulnerability is a flashback to 2019 that shook the Citrix world with CVE-2019-19781. This allowed the ability to execute code remotely by allowing the upload of code to insecure directories, along with some other contributing factors. In[...]

VDI Broker Security Analysis

VDI Broker Security Analysis Q4 2022 We wanted to look at some of the top VDI Brokers out there and look at them from a security perspective only.  There are so many “it depends” functional and features differences between each[...]

“Privacy training is one of the best defenses to protect yourself and your company against the rise in identity theft, financial fraud, and ransomware.”

“This assessment will audit the most common finding areas like Active Directory Security, Privileged Account Management, Group Policy Standards, Open File Shares, and many other related areas.”

“This security review focuses on the supporting systems that will be scanned along with in-depth mapping and best practice checks related to security for VDI and Microsoft policies.”

“This testing method will simulate a real-world attacker that wants to get into the system at all costs. We use multiple cyber security techniques to gain access to the system internally or externally.”

“These services provide a Virtual chief information security officer (“virtual CISO” or “vCISO”). We aim to work with your IT team to integrate and understand your compliance requirements and help audit and track findings and remediations.”

“We offer many services to support small to large VDI deployments. We can help you with VDI upgrades, migrations, and best practice checks. We work on very large VDI deployments in the Design and Build phases.”

VDI Security



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